WAVE 2013-Day-2/-1
Our arrival in Salzburg was one of sheer determination with a generous condimental topping of exhaustion. With eyes swinging crazily from the steering wheel in search of a comfortable place to collapse on the dashboard we pulled into the hotel and made a beeline for the front desk. Fear not, we parked the truck, trailer and its inimitable passenger, our sponsorifically stickered peugeot iON, before entering the building. The front desk announced that our reservation wasn’t reserved but the truck and trailers’ was and therefore had a place to stay for the duration of the WAVE. They kindly gave us an address of nearby hotel and off we went on the quest of quests in quest of the nearly unquestable considering the condition we were in after a 25 hour drive.
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After finding the new front desk and before you could say Jack Robinson or Bobs yer uncle, which he is clearly not, we were installed in our respective rooms incapable of initiating a singular thought. Our stomachs took a dictatorial lead bringing us together over a boiling kettle and instant noodles swelling in sumptuous delight. Msg’d into insanity sleep beckoned and we were out for the count.
The following morning refreshed, revived and rebooted we discovered the breakfast room with an assortment of yoghurts, fresh sliced fruits, muesli, nano shredded wheat, eggs, toast, deli meats n cheese, pastries and coffee or tea. Plate and bowl were filled and a veritable wheel barrow of coffee was served by our wonderful hostess of the Frauenshuh Hotel aproned in true Austrian tradition. Definitely recommended!!!!!

Eichgraben greeted us in silence as we arrived at the hotel where the WAVE would officially begin the following day. We plugged in and looked for an open door. The front desk seemed to be missing or was possibly away for the duration, we had no idea and so after shifting things in the car we settled in for the night in the front seats wrapped in fleece and or sleeping bag with my feet neatly tucked into the glove compartment and Gordon tucked in behind and under the steering wheel. We had arrived and the morning would bring more news and a front desk with an awesome man with wonderful sense of humor. Tomorrow the WAVE, from that point on the world and the delivery of the Double Edged Sword Against Climate Change!

The games begin tomorrow morning.