WAVE 2014 DAY -2
We, Gordon Foat of Green MotorSport and I, Leora Rosner of the Growing Air Foundation and Brian and Jean Orr of EV Matters are Team Green MotorSport with WAVE rally number 3 and 37. Pretty cool, the number 3 for it is one of the Fibonacci numbers, which appear throughout nature. Since we are forging the double edged sword against climate change to help our planet, the natural world, then that number is magic, that number defines us!
One thing is for certain, were it not for the following sponsors we would not have been able to take part in the 2014 WAVE! We thank you all whole heartedly!!! And, to show how much we love you we made a nice heart with all our WAVE team friends to say a big thank you! 🙂
World Record Parade press photo, Can you spot our teams? We (team 3) are in the 2nd E of the Word “Electric” and the Buggy is top right of that letter E! Also worth a watch is our WAVE you tube video, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?
If you like to find out where we are in and how fast our cars go you can go to the Live tracking page for Team 3 and 37. This dynamic map can be found at the following link http://web.agmtelematics.net/ShareTrip/index.aspx?token=lfvpapvqr1k Sponsored by AGM Telematics.